OFPA 61st Annual Fall Food Safety Symposium Event
Event Date: November 20, 2019
The Ontario Food Protection Association provides a common forum for those associated with food safety & protection within the Ontario food industry and beyond. OFPA encourages the exchange ideas, experiences and information between members in industry, academia, government, retailers, consultants, diagnostic labs and sector associations. This encompasses:
- bringing the membership of the latest research in food safety, along with regulatory updates, training opportunities, trends and advances in technologies.
- providing all members with the Association’s award-winning newsletter Food Safety Guardian which provides a platform to publish news of direct relevance to the Ontario food industry along with featured articles such as Opinions on current events, Spotlight on member organizations and Backgrounders on a range of subjects such as pathogens, sanitation, in addition to novel technologies.
- recognizing those professionals making extraordinary contributions to food safety with the Board of Directors Award for Exceptional Merit, Honorary Life Membership and the Sanitarian of the Year Award.
- providing scholarships and awards for university and college students excelling in the fields of food microbiology and food safety.
OFPA members include food safety professionals from every facet of the food industry: Meat and Poultry, Bakery, Brewery, Fruits and Vegetables, Processed Meats, Dairy, Snack Foods, Foodservice, Beverage, Fish and Prepared Foods. In addition, our members represent food manufacturers from all commodities, supply and service businesses (i.e. sanitation supplies and equipment), as well as municipal, provincial and federal governments, academia, research and testing laboratories, and public health.