

CFIA Puts Safe Food for Canadians into Action

 By John B. Andrews 

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) understands that Canadians are keen to know more about the food they eat, what it contains and where it comes from.



“We are building on a legacy of safe food. Canada’s food safety system is already one of the most robust in the world,” notes CFIA President Dr. Bruce Archibald. “But we are always working towards finding ways to operate better and smarter, and to continuously improve. CFIA is therefore launching a number of significant food safety enhancements to implement the Safe Food for Canadians Act.”


Safe Food for Canadians Action Plan


The Safe Food for Canadians Act was passed by Canada’s Parliament on November 20, 2012, and received Royal Assent on November 22, 2012. Supporting this legislation, the Safe Food for Canadians Action Plan was introduced by the Government of Canada on May 17, 2013. The CFIA is now rolling out this two-year plan, which will strengthen food safety rules, see food inspectors and laboratories develop new ways to operate more effectively and keep consumers regularly updated on food safety issues.

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