Food Safety Supply Chain Conference
Event Date: June 13, 2018 - June 14, 2018

A food company’s supply chain can be the weakest link in their food safety program. Food ingredient adulteration, fraud, and counterfeiting negatively impacts everyone in the food supply chain. FDA has recognized the risk in the food supply chain. Sanitary transportation and the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) are major components of FSMA.
By attending this conference you will:
- Learn from FDA the details to FSMA’s FSVP and FSMA’s Sanitary transportation final rules.
- FDA’s Update on Economically Motivated Adulteration/Food Fraud
- Gain an understanding from FDA of what the agency means by “adequate assurances.”
- Understand how to protect your company from vulnerabilities in the supply chain.
- Learn to prevent EMA of Food and Food Ingredients.
- Learn of tools, technologies and techniques that can protect your company from the weakest link in your global supply chain.
- Share best practices and experiences with industry peers

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