Event Date: August 10, 2018 - August 12, 2018
The conference will be held on 10-12 August 2018 at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia. The Organizing Committee would like to invite you to participate by submitting an abstract of a paper or poster for presentation at the conference and by drawing the knowledge and connections that the conference has in store. Your participation is also an opportunity to have a glimpse of Siem Reap which is one of the World’s Top 3 Best Cities of Travel and Leisure in 2015. Siem Reap is Cambodia’s most famous destination, the gateway to the legendary Angkor Complex of the 15th-19th century Great Khmer Empire, and is situated near the Tonle Sap Lake – Southeast Asia’s largest lake where over 3 million people depend for their livelihood and food security needs.