

The Evolution of HACCP

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) has been a mainstay of food safety management for over four decades

By Allie Gallant

It was a big jump forward. The focus shifted from end-product testing to preventative risk management. But it hasn’t been a perfectly smooth road from theory to practice. Over the years, gaps in HACCP’s effectiveness have gone unaddressed. It’s only more recently that we’ve considered what went wrong and how we can fix it.

Where do we go from here?

The general consensus is that there’s not a lot of issues with HACCP as a tool. It’s mainly the way we use the tool that needs updating.

A few areas have been identified for growth. Among them are using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis to improve our use of CCPs (Critical Control Points), and using data more extensively. But one of the biggest concerns impacting the evolution of HACCP is the way it transfers from paper to reality. How do we take a solid HACCP plan, and put it to work with actual employee behaviours?

HACCP Evolution Centers on People

Training is the most important component. And it has to be an on-going process translating food safety ideas on paper, to action in the plant.

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