Volume 6, Issue 5
Blog Articles:
Featured Article: Leading The Charge for Food Safety Capacity Building: Four Global Initiatives - Part Three: The Danone Experience - By Yves Rey - For Danone, milk accounts for 75% of its SKU. The annual milk supply is estimated at eight billion liters, obtained from 120,000 dairy farms worldwide... READ MORE
Counterfeit Foods, Illegally Labelled and Grey Market Goods: Is Your Brand Protected? - By Susan Abel and Elmer Mascarenhas - Counterfeit foods jeopardize health and safety and ultimately cost consumers a great deal of money...READ MORE
Food Safety Takes Off: Regulations, Logistics and the Challenges of Airline Catering - By Lauren Solar - In 1992, 76 passengers became ill after flying from Peru to Los Angeles...READ MORE
Blog: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Promotes Global Food Safety - By Susan L. (Susie) Hoeller - The Trans-Pacific Partnership (the “TPP”) is a trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim countries. It is the biggest trade deal in history....READ MORE
Blog: The Dirty Thirties’ Second Coming? - By Sylvain Charlebois - Most experts believe major fires at Fort Mc Murray suggest we should become accustomed to major disasters that may be linked to the long-term effects of climate change .....READ MORE
White Paper: Food Quality & Safety Survey 2016 - This Survey Results Report is the outcome from the Food Quality & Safety Survey conducted by Sparta Systems in February 2016. DOWNLOAD NOW
Calendar of Events
For a list of upcoming trade shows...CLICK HERE
Featured show: FMI Connect -- June 20-23, 2016 McCormick Place Chicago, IL USA
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